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Sutton House to welcome QTL and Helen la Vikinga as part of "Sutton House Queered" program

As part of the National Trust's year-long "Prejudice and Pride" program, Queer Tango London has been invited to their Sutton House property in Hackney to mark the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in the UK. The "Sutton House Queered" project has held several events and exhibitions as part of the National Trust's program throughout the year. They have also kindly extended an invitation to QTL to be included in their program of events. The wonderful Helen la Vikinga has been enlisted to provide instruction, and will be taking two workshops on 12th November at Sutton House on the themes of leading and following, where everyone will get the chance to learn more about both roles. A milonga will follow, with live music, and it promises to be absolutely fantastic. QTL invites you to a glorious evening of tango to mark this special occasion.

And on the following day, Monday 13th November, Helen will be taking a further class on leader´s technic that will give us bit more tools for leading, adornments, decorations, followed by our usual practica session.

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