Following our Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal Milonga on 11 March 2022 we asked ourselves, what next? We were still appalled at the war unfolding there and we want to continue do what we can to support its victims – Ukrainian, Russian and from other countries. We recognised that the needs of those suffering are immediate, enormous, hard to predict - and importantly, likely to continue though sadly there are practical, and financial limits to the number of fundraisers anyone can run. Consequently QTL launched “FRACTION for FREEDOM”.
Under this scheme, from now on, a fraction of all QTL’s profits will go to supporting charities fighting for the freedom of those men, women, and children whose lives have been turned upside down by the war.
We are delighted that the following organisations have joined us in this cause!
Tango Café at Fresh Ground, a weekly Saturday milonga in Battersea
If your Tango or dance organisation would like to join FoF, please get in touch.